Prior to getting any job, you need to make sure that you look your best. Looking your best means having a well-written and well-presented CV, and if you are on a social media platform, a well written and professional on-line profile as well. Below are a number of tips on building a cover letter/ email, CV and social media profile as well as guidelines on how to perform well in an interview.
A well written Curriculum Vitae is your marketing tool and how well you sell yourself depends on how well written your CV is.
One should never underestimate the strength of a cover letter / email as a sales tool. It is an opportunity to show your motivation.
Please pay attention, there are scam artists claiming to work for DO Recruitment Advisors in Luxembourg. Two have identified themselves as Yubin and Gabriel. They do not work for us. We suspect they might also be using other names.
They are contacting people directly on Telegram. Please ensure that you block these individuals. We apologise with regard to this and please be vigilant.
With best wishes,
The DO Recruitment Team
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