A well written Curriculum Vitae is vital to getting the job you want. It is your marketing tool and how well you sell yourself depends on how well written your CV is.
As Luxembourg is a very international environment, it is good to adapt your CV to the culture and the corporate language of the Company that you are applying to. We never adapt anything on your CV prior to sending it to our clients as it is important for us that our clients see the real you through your CV.
We all have different expectations from a CV and it is interesting to see how each person reads a CV. It is usually read very quickly and scanned by the competent eye to search for key words. Ensure that the KEY WORDS are clearly visible.
For some jobs, a photograph on a CV might be requested, but in general we feel that the decision is up to you whether you want to use a photo on your CV or not. You should feel comfortable with it. If you do decide to use a photo it should be recent (not one that was taken 15 years ago!) and it should show you in the best light, be professional and of good quality.
Would you like additional information on this subject? We would be delighted to give you a copy of our brochure “HELPING YOU GET THAT JOB”. We have compiled a guide of tips and advice to help our candidates through the recruitment process. This is available in both hard and soft copies. Please feel free to contact us at contact@dorecruit.com
Please pay attention, there are scam artists claiming to work for DO Recruitment Advisors in Luxembourg. Two have identified themselves as Yubin and Gabriel. They do not work for us. We suspect they might also be using other names.
They are contacting people directly on Telegram. Please ensure that you block these individuals. We apologise with regard to this and please be vigilant.
With best wishes,
The DO Recruitment Team
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